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Saving money with printable coupons and technology

From the American Chronicle: Contest Winner Shows How to Save With Coupons

Marcia Metzger seems harmless enough.

As she pushes a grocery cart through the produce aisles of Shop Rite in Hudson, her 4-foot-11 frame is further dwarfed by the shopping basket.

She surveys the fruit — nectarines: 99 cents a pound — from behind wire-frame glasses and keeps no shopping list except for the one in her head, where she also stores facts about Martin Van Buren. She knows an awful lot about him because she works as an office automation assistant at The Martin Van Buren National Historic Site in Kinderhook.

Waiting in the seat of the cart usually reserved for wiggling children or delicates like loaves of bread is the thing that makes Metzger one dangerous customer: her coupon folio.

Lime green and plastic and organized in broad categories, that folio can leave a register reeling — backward, of course — as it subtracts, and subtracts and subtracts, from her bill.

Technology is changing coupons — and shopping in general. You can now print valid coupons from your computer rather than browse the weekly newspaper circulars. Here’s a roundup of what’s up:
